Included on this page are important news releases and industry related articles pertinent to the AQA and all its members. For media enquiries, contact our Communications Advisor.

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Quarries want faster not worse environmental outcomes

The quarry industry, which provides the foundations for every New Zealand building and road, says it does not want to see a ‘rip, shit and bust’ approach to the environment. Aggregate & Quarry Association CEO Wayne Scott today told Parliament’s Environment...


Now we have the tools, let’s use them

The quarry industry says a new GNS Science study, showing where rock and sand resources exist in five major centres, should kick-start planning nationwide to secure these areas to support New Zealand’s future development needs. The Aggregate & Quarry Association...


Rock ready to roll under new minerals strategy

Quarries delivering rock, aggregate and sand - already by far the nation’s largest mineral producers - will be amongst the first to benefit from the sector’s new strategy. Resources Minister Shane Jones today announced a Draft Minerals Strategy to use the resources...


Awards recognise mining and quarrying stars

A West Coast geologist, an Auckland lab manager, and a kaiārahi and environmental compliance manager were celebrated as the stars of mining and quarrying at industry awards given out today in Hamilton. Celebrating diversity and inclusion, Straterra, AQA, and MinEx...


Fast-track needs quarries to achieve desired progress

The Government’s fast-track for resource consenting will provide some of the desired progress for New Zealand if quarries are among the list of approved projects. In welcoming the Government’s announcement and legislation, Aggregate & Quarry Association (AQA) CEO...


The sands of time are running out

Auckland ran out of sand for construction before Christmas and the quarry industry head says urgent interim fixes are needed to avoid further shortfalls impacting building and roading projects across the upper North Island. Aggregate & Quarry Association (AQA) CEO...


Quarries must figure in efforts to expand wetlands

The Government needs to include quarries as well as farmland in fresh considerations of using wetlands to absorb carbon, says the Aggregate & Quarry Association (AQA). A Cabinet paper just released says New Zealand is relying too much on planting exotic forests to...


Not in my backyard heard around the quarrying world

Quarries around the world face communities who resist having one in their backyard while demanding increased supply, an international quarry meeting in Queenstown heard today. New Zealand’s Aggregate & Quarry Association (AQA)is hosting our first meeting of the...