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Included on this page are important news releases and industry related articles pertinent to the AQA and all its members. For media enquiries, contact our Communications Manager.
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Aggregate News April/May 2025
Awards celebrate women in mining and quarrying
A water management engineer and an alluvial gold assistant mine manager, both from the South Island’s West Coast; a Waihi principal metallurgist; and a health and wellbeing manager from Blenheim are the four winners of the mining and quarrying industry awards...
Aggregate News February/March 2025
Aggregate News – December/January 2024/25
Aggregate News – October/November 2024
Quarry materials front and centre of draft Critical Minerals List
The nation’s quarries say to include what they produce in a draft list of minerals critical for the New Zealand economy recognises that nothing happens without them. Aggregate & Quarry Association (AQA) CEO Wayne Scott says while many other nations import quarry...
Aggregate News – August/September 2024
Quarries want faster not worse environmental outcomes
The quarry industry, which provides the foundations for every New Zealand building and road, says it does not want to see further degradation of the environment. Aggregate & Quarry Association CEO Wayne Scott today told Parliament’s Environment Committee which is...
Now we have the tools, let’s use them
The quarry industry says a new GNS Science study, showing where rock and sand resources exist in five major centres, should kick-start planning nationwide to secure these areas to support New Zealand’s future development needs. The Aggregate & Quarry Association...
Rock ready to roll under new minerals strategy
Quarries delivering rock, aggregate and sand - already by far the nation’s largest mineral producers - will be amongst the first to benefit from the sector’s new strategy. Resources Minister Shane Jones today announced a Draft Minerals Strategy to use the resources...
Aggregates are the most consumed bulk product in the world after water. New Zealand uses 9-10 tonnes of aggregate every year for each adult and child.
To build an average house, you need about 250 tonnes of aggregate - for use in concrete, asphalt, mortar and building products.
The quarry industry is committed to working alongside local communities and follows stringent planning, environmental and operating conditions.