Included on this page are important news releases and industry related articles pertinent to the AQA and all its members. For media enquiries, contact our Communications Advisor.

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Quarries Contribute to World Wetlands Day

Quarries may not seem a likely source of support for wetlands but the industry says it does a lot towards creating what is today being celebrated on World Wetlands Day. Aggregate and Quarry Association CEO, Wayne Scott, says quarries around the country have helped...


Waikato and Manawatū schools rock

The AQA’s second Rock our Future School Competition has seen primary schools in Waikato and Manawatū take away the prizes. This year the competition was centred on designing a final use for a quarry that had finished extracting rock. There were eight finalists...


Waikato school rocks

A Cambridge primary school and one in Palmerston North have taken away the prizes in a national competition centred on turning a former quarry into a community asset.


Palmerston North school rocks

A Palmerston North primary school and also one in Waikato have taken away the prizes in a national competition centred on turning a former quarry into a community asset.


No infrastructure roll-out without rock

Successive governments have failed to plan where quarried materials will come from for New Zealand roads and buildings. Unless rapidly addressed, Aggregate and Quarry Association CEO Wayne Scott says all the promises of infrastructure being key to the COVID-19...